Frequently Asked Questions
Some facts and tips you may have been wondering about.
Play the Men's Way
- Can I login at the same time on different devices?
- At this moment you can only be logged in once - that means if you login for instance from your computer and then - without logging off - you login from your phone, you will automatically be logged off from the computer - the session on the computer will be invalidated.
- I receive an error about "Unauthorized access". What does it mean?
- This means that your session at Darkroom server is no more valid. Either you have logged in from another device - see the previous question or it is possible that your internet connection has been disconnected for some time. If your device cannot talk to our server for 15 minutes, your session is automatically ended - you are logged off. This can also happen if you put your computer or phone asleep without logging off. If you are logged in from a computer - non mobile device - you can see the online indicator next to your name on the upper left part of the screen. Blue indicator means everything is fine. Orange means that your browser could not contact our server for a while but the session will be restored as soon as you can talk to the server again. Red indicator means that your session is ended and you have to login again.
- Do I have to register my email address?
- We require an email address during the registration and we advise you to use your real email address. Without a valid email address we cannot contact you should you require any contact with us - e.g. regarding privacy issues. A valid email address is also required should you ever forget your password and wanted to reset it.
Profile - Account
- How to create an account/profile on the Darkroom?
- Creating a profile on the Darkroom is fairly straightforward and will take you less than a couple of minutes. During the account registration you will be asked to enter your profile name (which will also be your login name), your email address and you will be asked to setup a password. Once the registration is complete, we will ask you for few basic details about yourself which will be the basis of your profile. We will ask you for your age and the date (day and month) when you want our system to change your age (increment by 1 every year) - this information will never be shown to anyone. After that you can fill in few other personal details. Finally you will be asked to set your location - note that you will be asked to set your location manually - we are not using any auto-positioning in order to let you yourself choose the precision of your location based on your desire for privacy. After that the profile will be activated and you will arrive into the full featured Darkroom. Please note that until all the aforementioned information is entered your profile will not be activated and you won't be able to see other people in the Darkroom as well as other people won't be able to see your profile.
- When I look at my profile I can see all the photos, even those which are private and should not be visible to other people.
- That is correct. You can see all your pictures in your own profile because these pictures are yours and you have always access to all your them.
- When logging in: are the profile name and password case sensitive?
- Profile name is not case sensitive while password certainly is.
- Can I change my location?
- Of course you can. At any moment you can go to the Menu - My Profile - My Location and set the location.
- How are the profiles displayed?
- Upon your very first entry to the Darkroom you will be presented with the list of guys around your current location (you will have set your location during the creation of your profile). The profiles will be displayed in the so called "profile grid" or simply "grid". You can switch between grid and list profile view in Menu - Settings - Grid or List.
- How can I search for other guys in the Darkroom?
- The Darkroom offers you an extensive set of tools to search for other guys.
There are 2 main ways of searching - one is based on location and the other one is based on characteristics entered into people's profiles (e.g. based on height, age, preferences in play, fetishes etc.) - we call this latter type of search a criteria search or profile filter.
All these search types can be adjusted in the Menu - My Search section. There you have the option to define the parameters for each search type. Do not forget that you also have to activate each search type. Unless one or/and the other search type is activated, a default set of profiles is shown to you - that means profiles around your current location.
Search based on location - so called Radius Search
Go to Menu - My Search - Radius Search. Here you can choose a geographical point around which you want to search (note that this can be different than your current location). Use the provided map and/or text search to find a point on the map. Once that is defined, you can choose the scope of the search - you can choose from city, country, continent and radius. Radius means search within a distance from the particular point on the map that you have just chosen. You can search within up to 50km radius.
Profile Filter - also Criteria Search
This is a fairly simple self explanatory way of how you can search for other guys. Simply go to Menu - My Search - Criteria Search and define the criteria for the matching profiles. Please note that the success of this search depends on how much information people fill in their profiles about themselves.
- Messages - I have sent a wrong message to someone, can I delete it so that the other person won't see it?
- That is possible but you have to act fast. Go and purge the message. Before you can purge it though you have to delete it. Go to the Menu - Manage - Messages. List messages of the person to whom you have just sent the message - by clicking on the name of the person. Then click on the "Delete" button under the message - this will hide the message for you. Now click on the switch "Without deleted" located on top of the message list. Once you click on this switch, you will see all deleted messages that you have exchanged with this person. Most likely the very first message will be the one that you want to hide from the person. You will see a button "Purge" under the message. Click on this button. Once you confirm the purge of this message, the text and any possible pictures attached to this message will be deleted. The message will be purged for both the person to whom you sent it and for yourself. That means noone will be able to see what was sent inside the message. Remember that you have to act as fast as possible. We cannot guarantee that the recipient of this message won't be able to read in in the time that it takes you to purge it.
Live Chat
- How does Live Chat work?
- Live Chat gives people a separate possibility to chat on the Darkroom website with an increased level of discretion. Messages from the Live Chat are only available for a maximum time of 15 minutes, after that time are they no more available. Principle of the chatroom is that anyone and everyone can start their own chatroom, set the topic of that room and control who can chat in the room.
- I cannot send my pictures to people on the Live Chat. Why?
- When you upload a picture you can mark this picture as "non-restricted" or "Live-Chat-only". The latter will enable this picture for use in Live Chat but this picture will not be visible to anyone visiting your profile. You also cannot setup individual access control for these Live Chat pictures. They are in general visible to anyone who is logged into the Darkroom portal and who has got the direct link which you can send to people in the Live Chat. This is done in order to guarantee your and other people's privacy in the Live Chat. You can also designate an existing picture of yours to be used in Live Chat - in the My Photos settings section. Please note that in that case, all individual access controls which may have been assigned to this picture will be deleted. If this picture was earlier available in your profile or if you shared it via messages with other people, people can recognize it as belonging to you.
- How many photos can I upload?
- The number of photos that you can upload into your account is unlimited.
- Do you review the uploaded pictures?
- Yes, we do. Once you upload a photo it will not be shown to other people until it is reviewed and approved. We will do our best to review the photo within 24 hours, in reality we manage to do that within a couple of hours. This is necessary in order to guarantee that no illegal photos end up on the Darkroom site.
- Can I change the photos which are waiting for an approval?
- Yes you can. You can change the description of the photo, delete it or upload more photos. Next to that you can also change the visibility of the photo - configure the access control - for later, once it is approved and becomes available for you to share with other people.
Control - Access - Security
- Can I see who has been looking at my profile?
- Yes. Next to that you can also see profiles which you have visited. Go to Menu - Manage - Profile Visits.
- Can I hide my visit to someone's profile?
- At this moment you cannot. But we have a change in the pipeline which will make it possible.
- So how does the access control for my photos work?
- When you upload a photo into your account (profile) it is immediately visible to all logged in users on Darkroom. There are 3 main options for a photo visibility - a) it can be visible to all logged in users; 2) it can be public, i.e. visible for anyone on the web even if they are not logged into the Darkroom website provided that you share the link to the photo with them and 3) the photo can be private, i.e. unless you explicitly allow access to the photo (per user) noone can see it. Next to that you can decide per user on Darkroom to either allow them to see a particular photo (in case a photo is private) or block individual users from seeing any of your photos.
- Where can I find the link to my photo that I can share with people outside of Darkroom?
- Go to the Menu - Manage - Photo Control. There you can find the link underneath each photo which has been assigned the public access.
- How do I stop someone from seeing a particular photo?
- You have to block access to this photo for this person. You can either open the profile of this person and go to the Control section of the profile. There you click on "My Photos" tab and then select the picture(s) that you want to hide from this person and click on the button "Block access". If you want to do this without visiting the profile of this person, change the profile view to "List view" in Menu - Settings. Then find the profile in the list and click on the icon of "Settings" and then you proceed the same way as when you would do it from within the profile.
- How do I allow someone to see a particular photo which others cannot see?
- If your picture is set as "Private" in the Photo Control - then this picture does not show in your profile and should someone ever get a link to this picture they won't be able to see it either because access will be denied to it. But you can allow certain individual people to have access to this picture. One way is to send this picture in a message. When you do that - this by the way work for every picture - an access to this picture is automatically granted to the one to whom you send it. You also follow the process described above - for blocking access to a picture - but instead of "blocking" access, you "allow" access.
- I have send someone a picture in a message but now I don't want them to see it anymore.
- You can do that in Menu - Manage - Photo Control. Here you can locate the picture which you sent to this person and you should see that there is an individual access control created for this person. The access control allows explicitly access to this picture. You can revert this - i.e. block access to this picture for this person - simply by clicking on the "lock" icon.
- Can I make my profile visible to people not logged in to Darkroom?
- This is not possible. For privacy reasons we have decided against this feature.